The Great Benefits of Turmeric

Turmeric of orange bright

I feel like painting in your sight

The yellow pigment of your stain

From curcumin that you contain

Curcumin for your health

Its qualities we see in wealth

Internally a drink of tea

Dyspepsia it can relieve

Indigestion, liver woe

Stimulates the bile to flow

An antioxidant that’s swell

Lowers cholesterol as well

Topically it’s quite a charm

Inflammation it can calm

Scabies, Ringworm, an insect bite

No more scratching in the night

This Asian root can save the day

It keeps cancer cells at bay

So when you’re eating curried stew

Think all the good it does for you!

Poem by Sylvia Seroussi Chatroux, M.D.

I know many of you have heard of Turmeric before, especially if you enjoy curry stew. However, your palate aside, what are the hidden benefits of Turmeric? We all hear of these alluring benefits so let’s look at 5 great benefits of Turmeric.

turmeric tea for your health

Did You Know?

Turmeric is a plant from the ginger family, indigenous to Southeastern Asia, primarily India. Historically, it was used in traditional Indian medicine for skin disorders, GI issues, and upper respiratory tract disease. The main ingredient in turmeric is curcumin, which is the source of all its benefits and most notably, its yellow color. Let’s look at some of these benefits

5 Health Benefits of Turmeric

  1. Anti-inflammatory compounds

The anti-inflammatory compounds of turmeric come from curcumin, its main ingredient. Even though inflammation is the body’s natural response to foreign invaders, it can result in diseases if it continues chronically. Curcumin’s specific benefit is linked to the inhibition of the enzymes that mediate the inflammatory process. An article published in the Advances in Experimental Medicine and Biology studied these enzymes and outlined how improper regulation of inflammatory enzymes leads to diseases like cancer. Hence why it is important to perform daily habits that combat chronic inflammation.

circumin to prevent inflammation

2. Lowers Heart Disease risk

Curcumin lowers heart disease by reducing cardiovascular disease risk factors like high cholesterol. A study published in the Journal of Clinical Medicine found that curcumin could reduce atherosclerosis progression and heart ischemia. Atherosclerosis is the plaque buildup that results from high cholesterol and plasma lipid levels. In heart disease, this is what leads up to heart ischemia which can result in bypass surgery or heart attack occurrences. This study was also able to discover benefits for comorbid conditions like obesity. For example, participants who consumed curcumin for 4 weeks, had a decrease in cholesterol levels, body mass index, and waist circumference, all of which are risk factors for heart disease.     

3. Help prevent Cancer

Cancer is a disease process that occurs due to hyper production of normal cells. The body’s internal cell growth regulator, having been damaged, results in cell overgrowth that invades the body. Curcumin plays a beneficial role by inhibiting the multiplication of cancer cells. An article published in the Journal of Pharmaceutical Sciences and Research studied curcumin and found a chemopreventive nature for various cancers such as head, neck, breast, lung, colon, pancreatic, and ovarian.

curcumin to prevent cancer

4. Helps to treat the symptoms of Arthritis

Curcumin also helps treat arthritis by decreasing inflammation. Notice the trend? Since arthritis is a disease induced by the body’s inflammatory process against the joints, curcumin helps reduce joint swelling and tenderness. Researchers published an article in the NCBI providing evidence of curcumin’s anti-inflammatory process through a group of patients with RA (Rheumatoid Arthritis). In the published study, the participants who received curcumin had the largest decrease in joint swelling and tenderness, therefore concluding the benefits of curcumin for arthritic conditions.

5. May delay aging and development of Chronic Diseases

Even though there is still more research to be done on the anti-aging properties of curcumin, preventing the development of age-related diseases such as Cancer, Arthritis and even Alzheimer’s has been studied. Oxidative stress and inflammation remain the factors that play a big role in the aging process. Therefore, as curcumin combats these factors, it suggests that the result is slower aging.

talk to your doctor about turmeric

What Should You Do About It?

First, talk to your doctor. Especially if you are on certain medications like blood thinners. Then, try to include turmeric in your diet.

How To Make It SMART  

SHORT- Implement turmeric in your diet. You may already enjoy it in curry, so continue that. However, Turmeric requires special consideration for optimal absorption. Curry is an all-time favorite pairing because the fat/oils and heat used in the cooking process make it more readily available for your body. Curry is especially great because most recipes call for pepper, which helps the absorption of the curcumin by 2000%.

MEASURABLE- This depends on the reasons you are adding turmeric to your diet. If it is for inflammation, make note of how your joints feel when you introduce turmeric into your diet. If you are intaking turmeric for its antioxidant properties, then enjoy

ATTAINABLE- Is this something you want to implement consistently? There are so many foods that help with antioxidant, and anti-inflammatory issues. Turmeric can be part of the rotation of preventative foods

REASONABLE- Is it possible to implement? Can you start to include turmeric in your diet? Some people may not have a palate for curry or spicy foods so this may not be something you enjoy, which is okay

TIMELY- Commit to including turmeric in your meals and smoothies for 30-60 days and assess whether it affects you positively, negatively, or not at all. With consistency, you will notice a decrease in the frequency, recurrence, and extent of inflammation. 

turmeric latte for your health

Remember, choosing health is a lifelong journey and commitment, not a quick fix

As always,

Love yourself in health, one day at a time

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