Sizzle Up Your Pan with Olive Oil for 4 Reasons

Did You Know?

Olive oil is a substance extracted from the ripened fruit of an olive tree. Most of the world’s supply of olive oil comes from countries in the Mediterranean yet it’s also produced in California, South America, and Australia. The composition of olive oil is based on the process of extraction and is classified into 4 types: extra virgin, virgin, pure and refined. Extra virgin olive oil is the highest grade of oil because it’s produced from the first press of extraction as opposed to multiple presses. This process gives extra virgin olive oil (EVOO) a great taste, odor, and a higher content of fatty acids, which help reduce the risk of heart disease and stroke. There are about 36 phenolic compounds identified in EVOO in various concentrations based on where they are grown, cultivated, harvested, and processed.  Let’s look at 4 benefits of using Olive Oil

4 Benefits of Extra Virgin Olive Oil (EVOO)

1. High in Monounsaturated Fats

One of the biggest benefits of extra virgin olive oil (EVOO) is the high amount of monounsaturated fats, which are one of the best types of fat for your diet. However, if the olive oil is not well-produced, the fat content can be low and lack quality, which is why extra virgin oil is the best kind to use and consume. The process of extraction for this type of olive oil is performed once and this helps preserve the fatty acids, which are important in preventing heart disease and stroke. Research has found that diets high in oleic and linoleic acid (the fatty acids in olive oil) reduce platelet aggregation which results in stroke or heart attack. Furthermore, studies show that olive oil controls LDL (bad cholesterol) and increases HDL (good cholesterol), both of which play a role in one’s risk for heart disease.

extra virgin olive oil is the best type of oil to use for health benefits
Photo by Emre

2. Rich in Antioxidants

Olive oil has high amounts of antioxidants in the form of flavonoid polyphenols, which have multiple purposes like modulating the immune system and protecting against free radicals which are a byproduct of oxidative stress. One study found one specific antioxidant in olive oil called oleuropein that acts as a scavenger for free radicals thus protecting membranes and DNA damage.

3. Reduce the risk of Cancer

Studies have shown that olive oil can help reduce the risk of cancers like colon, breast, ovarian, and prostate. One study published in an oncology journal examined the correlation between fried foods and colon cancer risk and concluded that olive oil, compared to other oils protected against colon cancer. Another study also found that olive oil suppressed the overexpression of the breast cancer gene Her-2/neu and supported cancer cell death when combined with immunotherapy.

sprinkle olive oil over bruschetta for health benefits
Photo by Calum Lewis

4. Anti-Inflammatory

Olive oil has anti-inflammatory benefits related to oleuropein, one of the antioxidants mentioned above. One study found that oleuropein has anti-inflammatory effects in the form of an inflammation mediator. The study also found that it reduces vasoconstriction (which affects blood pressure) and platelet aggregating factor that is a predictor of heart disease.

What Should You Do About It?

First, talk to your doctor. Especially if you have a medical history or take any medications. Then commit to using olive oil in your diet. Olive oil is an essential part of the Mediterranean diet, which is made of plant-based foods, nuts, seeds, and herbs while limiting fish, seafood, and red meat. So, use olive oil instead of butter to create a sauce, sauté vegetables, sprinkle over salad, or a marinade for meats.

saute mushrooms with olive oil for health benefits
Photo by Kukuvaja Feinkost

How To Make It SMART

SHORT- Consider including extra virgin olive oil into your diet in the way mentioned above (sauté vegetables, sprinkle over salad, or meat marinade)   

MEASURABLE- Olive oil should be used for overall health benefits. It is important to consume foods high in antioxidants and anti-inflammatory benefits to support current health and lifelong habits as aging continues

ATTAINABLE- Is this something you want to implement? This should be something worth implementing for overall health benefits

REASONABLE- Is it possible to implement? Commit to using olive oil in most of your cooked meals. Making it a habit will make it easier to implement

TIMELY- Commit to including olive oil into your diet to support your overall health

As always,

Love yourself in health, one day at a time

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