Be Renewed Blog

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4 Reasons Why You Should Zinc

Did You Know? Zinc is an essential mineral found in food that plays a crucial part in your body systems in the way of supporting the immune system, healing injured tissue, and facilitating enzyme...

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Myths about Green Tea

Green tea is a beverage that has a long history of medicinal properties. Early uses in traditional Chinese and Indian medicine found green tea to be effective in wound healing and improving heart and...

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Healing from Aloe Vera in 4 ways

If you stay out in the sun too long Come back looking like a beet Your skin is red and inflamed An Aloe plant is what you need This succulent perennial With gel inside...

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3 Big Health Benefits of the Chia Seed

Did You Know? Chia seeds are small nutritious seeds with origins in Central America dating back to 3500 B.C. They were an important aspect of the Aztec diet as medicine and food and today...

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4 Reasons Why You Should Be Drinking More Water

Did You Know? Water is a biological substance made up of two molecules: hydrogen and oxygen. According to the U.S. Geological Survey, water is often called a “universal solvent” because it can dissolve more...

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4 Health Benefits of Ginger

Save a gingersnap for me I’m going sailing out to sea Those waves and I do not agree I’m nauseated as can be! Ginger for your motion sickness Helps digest and stimulate It’s an...

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3 Reasons to Brace your Core

Not only is bracing your core important for exercise but also for everyday life. How often do people report an injury from lifting a box, or picking up an item off the floor?  As...

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The Great Benefits of Turmeric

Turmeric of orange bright I feel like painting in your sight The yellow pigment of your stain From curcumin that you contain Curcumin for your health Its qualities we see in wealth Internally a...