Myths about Green Tea

Green tea is a beverage that has a long history of medicinal properties. Early uses in traditional Chinese and Indian medicine found green tea to be effective in wound healing and improving heart and mental health. Today studies suggest even more benefits because of catechins, which are natural antioxidants that prevent inflammation and cell damage. However, in my research, I was surprised to find some popularly misleading benefits of green tea that are not completely supported by research. In this blog post, I will dispel the 2 biggest myths about green tea while also discussing 2 great benefits that are often missed.

Did You Know?

Tea, originating from the plant camellia sinensis is a popular drink that is consumed in all parts of the world in the form of black, green, or oolong tea. It is estimated that 20% of tea is produced as green tea and is mainly consumed in Asia, parts of North Africa, Europe, and the U.S. The harvesting process for green tea is especially unique because it preserves the natural properties called polyphenols, which are the compounds responsible for its health benefits.

a cup of green tea for your health
Photo by petr sidorov

2 Benefits of Green Tea

  1. Improve Heart Health

The polyphenols in green tea are responsible for its heart-healthy properties. Studies have found that these polyphenols can reduce inflammation and blood pressure, which are risk factors for cardiovascular disease. The International Journal of Cardiology published a meta-analysis following a total of 9 studies with over 200,000 participants and proved a decreased risk of myocardial infarction and stroke among those who drank 1-3 cups of green tea versus less than 1 cup. Another study that compared green tea and coffee also was able to confirm that green tea decreased risk factors, especially in overweight and obese people.

2. Cancer Prevention

Green tea lowers the risk of some cancers based on its source of antioxidants. I often write about the power of antioxidants as compounds that decrease cell damage and oxidative stress within the body. Research has supported antioxidants in many different foods for their ability to reduce chronic disease, so this is another example of such. One study published in the Oxford Academic confirmed that there was a decreased risk of breast cancer in a meta-analysis of several studies following participants who drank green tea. The article did not definitively conclude in favor of green tea alone because of the interaction of dietary and genetic factors, however, the researchers proposed a long-term follow-up to affirm the continuity of green tea’s benefits.   

matcha powder for your health

2 Myths about Green Tea

  1. Decrease Type II Diabetes

The benefit of green tea in type II diabetics is a common statement that studies have proved to be inconclusive. A study written in Integrative Medicine Research concluded that despite the power of an antioxidant like catechin, its standard concentration (a cup of tea) is not high enough to be effective. Additionally, a higher concentration would also not be safe for human consumption.

2. Weight loss

A commonly celebrated benefit of green tea is aiding in weight loss. Many health articles support green tea as a significant weight loss aid however through further research, I had a hard time finding conclusive studies that support this claim. Researchers believe that the aspects of green tea that aid in weight loss are related to both catechin (an antioxidant) and the natural caffeine in the plant. Yet, one study in the Canadian Pharmacists Journal confirmed that these ingredients would have to be greater than what is in a traditional cup of green tea to be effective   

talk to your doctor before trying anything new

What Should You Do About it?

Talk to your doctor first. Especially if you take certain medications or have a certain medical history. According to the NIH, there is an uncommon side effect of liver problems if one has a history of liver disease. Additionally, if taken in high doses, green tea can affect blood pressure as effectively as a prescription drug. Therefore, it is always important to check with your doctor instead of presuming safety

green tea for cancer prevention
Photo by Randy Fath

How To Make It SMART

SHORT- Implement green tea into your lifestyle, especially in the form of tea. Using tea bags is a convenient way to enjoy the health benefits that green tea has to offer

MEASURABLE- This will be based on what you are using it for? It is not a single answer to an ailment or disease, therefore use it in combination with other interventions like healthy eating

ATTAINABLE- Is it possible to implement consistently? Green tea is a favored beverage around the world and can be easily found in any store. You can substitute this for your morning coffee, or as a midday pick-me-up. The small dose of caffeine will give you stable energy without leaving you feeling jittery

REASONABLE- Is it possible to implement? Since green tea can be taken cold or hot, it is surely a flexible drink. You can choose to substitute it for your coffee and assess how you feel.

TIMELY- Commit to utilizing green tea for 30-60 days and assess how you feel. If you substitute it for coffee, does it give you more stable energy? How about substituting it for an energy drink? You can brew green tea and put it into a water bottle with ice to sip throughout the day. Try one of these options

Remember, choosing health is a lifelong journey and commitment, not a quick fix

As always,

Love yourself in health, one day at a time

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