Chamomile To Help You Sleep and More

Did You Know?

Chamomile is a plant native to southern and eastern Europe and characterized by yellow and white flowers. As a plant of the daisy family, it grows in two main types of herbal supplements: German chamomile and Roman chamomile. It has a history of medicinal use in ancient Egypt, Greece, and Rome. Today, while promoted for sleeplessness and anxiety, it contains other benefits. Continue reading to discover what else chamomile can do for you besides help you sleep

4 Benefits of Chamomile

1. Improve Sleep Quality

One of the most advertised benefits of chamomile is to help with sleeplessness, anxiety, and relaxation. One study was able to support the claim in chamomile tea having a hypnotic effect on those who consumed it. In another study, researchers tested a group of postpartum women having difficulty with sleep over 2 weeks. The women drank chamomile tea every day and the results concluded that the tea increased sleep quality and even alleviated symptoms of depression.

chamomile to improve sleep quality
Photo by Nia Ramirez

2. Improve Digestive Health

Chamomile can improve digestive health by inhibiting H. pylori, a gram-negative bacteria that is responsible for ulcers, gastritis, and gastric lymphomas. One study confirmed this mechanism of action but proposed further study in situations where H.pylori had drug resistance.

3. Induce Relaxation

The ability of chamomile to induce relaxation is linked to flavonoid contents, which are substances that have health-promoting benefits. These substances can be anti-oxidative, anti-inflammatory, and even reduce anxiety like chamomile. Researchers have not yet studied all these components in chamomile, but they hypothesize that flavonoids within the plant affect GABA, serotonin, dopamine, and noradrenalin. One study found there is one element of chamomile called Apigenin that binds to the same receptors as benzodiazepine drugs like diazepam.

herbal supplements to support health
Photo by Sixteen Miles Out

4. Anti-Inflammatory

Chronic inflammation is a well-known precursor to many diseases and the best way to alleviate inflammation is through lifestyle habits and food modifications. However, it is not always about what you don’t eat but also increasing the intake of antioxidant-rich foods that will alleviate inflammation. One study was able to support the anti-inflammatory benefits of chamomile through its inhibition of nitric oxide, which plays a role in the development of diseases like cancer. Therefore, researchers concluded that if chamomile could inhibit the overproduction of nitric oxide, then it possesses anti-inflammatory properties and can be utilized as a non-toxic agent.

What Should You Do About It?

First, talk to your doctor. Especially if you take medications and have a medical history. According to the NIH, side effects of chamomile are uncommon although they can be experienced if someone has an allergy to plants related to chamomiles like ragweed, chrysanthemums, marigolds, and daisies. There have also been some reported interactions between chamomile and cyclosporine, an anti-rejection medication given to renal transplant patients. In addition to the possibility of potentiating the effects of warfarin (a blood thinner).

Talk to your doctor before taking new herbal supplements

How To Make It SMART

SHORT- Consider including chamomile tea into your diet as a remedy for sleeplessness, anxiety, and overall health

MEASURABLE- This depends on what you are using it for. Chamomile tea is a great option for winding down before bedtime. You can choose to include it into your nighttime regimen and assess how you feel over time  

ATTAINABLE- Is this something you want to implement consistently? Chamomile tea is easy to find in the supermarket. If you are having trouble relaxing, this should be an option to consider.

REASONABLE- Is it possible to implement? You can choose to implement it according to your need. Some people may not like the taste of the tea, which is okay because you can opt for an essential oil like lavender to help you with sleep and relaxation. Read more about that here  

TIMELY- Commit to drinking chamomile tea for relaxation and receive the added benefit of GI relief and anti-inflammatory properties. As I mentioned above, the benefits of chamomile tea were evident in as little as 2 weeks in the study with postpartum women. You don’t have to drink chamomile tea as a sleep aid forever, but it is one remedy to consider among others

As always,

Love yourself in health, one day at a time

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