How Lavender can Improve Sleep

Sleep is a topic that is ever evasive to many of us, but I am here to tell you that it doesn’t have to be. According to the Sleep Foundation, the average adult (ages 18-64) needs 7-9 hours asleep, while older adults (65+) need 7-8 hours. Although there can be many issues to complicate sleep like insomnia, sleep apnea, narcolepsy, and sleepwalking, there are also many remedies to help with sleep. Whether it’s creating a better sleep routine, using aromatherapy, turning off electronic devices at a certain time, or even buying a more comfortable mattress. You might assess the need to include more than one remedy to get better sleep. Often, we just need a little help to relax and unwind and this is how lavender can improve sleep.

good night sleep

Did You Know?

Lavender, also known as Lavendula Angustifolia is a plant that is native to North Africa and the Mediterranean but also to the UK and some parts of the US. It is a plant that grows rapidly and has been extensively studied and shown to reduce stress, anxiety, pain, and insomnia. Through GABA inhibition, it works as an anxiolytic to reduce anxiety and agitation through increasing calmness and this calm state is how you sleep.

There are multiple ways to ingest lavender, but the most effective is transdermal (aka through the skin). A study published in the Journal of Cosmetic Chemistry provided evidence that within 5 minutes, a topical application of lavender oil is absorbed into the body.  

lavender oil

How To Make It SMART

**Please assess whether you have sensitives/allergies to lavender before trying**

SHORT-There are so many ways to include lavender in your nighttime routine because lavender has been celebrated to be effective.

MEASURABLE-Assess your quality of sleep. What does your sleep regimen look like? And how do you want to improve? Do you feel groggy, or tired, or do you have difficulty falling asleep? Do you snore? Do you use sleep aids? Do you know how to unwind after a long day? You may also have to speak to your doctor about an alternative reason you could be struggling with sleep. Sometimes we could be having difficulty with sleep for valid reasons that have yet to be addressed.

ATTAINABLE- Is this something you can implement consistently? The great thing about lavender is that it is a well-known sleep aid. Therefore, you can find it in multiple forms like essential oils, pillow sprays, lotion, bath soap, detergent, plug-ins, etc.

REASONABLE- Is it possible to implement? You should find the most convenient method for you. Health should be a lifelong commitment, not a quick fix but there are aspects of your health journey that have been made convenient due to modern technology. So, find what you are most likely to do and try that

TIMELY- Create a nighttime regimen that includes turning off electronic devices and avoiding caffeine late in the day. Start including lavender as part of that routine as I do. I usually start my oil diffuser 1-2 hours before I sleep as a preparation to unwind. Consistently follow that routine for 30-60 days and determine whether your sleep has improved.

Be encouraged about all the things you can do to get better sleep. Challenge yourself to prioritize this one vital part of your humanity because a good night’s sleep is a wonderful thing.

As always,

Love yourself in health, one day at a time

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