Exchange Garlic Breath for these 4 Health Benefits

Sitting on your dinner plate

Here’s an herb that really great

Been around since Pharoah’s day

Of Garlic, there is much to say

When cholesterol is high

Triglycerides are on the rise

Hypertension’s plaguing you

Arteriosclerosis, there’s that too!

Garlic helps with that and more

Improves blood flow once so poor

Fights infection, fights disease

Brings a parasite to its knees

Take it for a cough or flu

Zaps bacteria, virus too

It’s antioxidant, prevents cancer

Garlic might just be the answer

The odour makes you hesitate

Out for dinner with your date

With all these benefits to reap You can always brush your teeth!

Poem by Sylvia Seroussi Chatroux, M.D.

Of course, we all know what garlic is. However, I wanted to provide you with a small background on the spice and then tell you why it is important for your health. Sure, I don’t have to convince anyone to eat it, but a little information can’t hurt.

Did You Know?

Garlic has a long history of benefits dating back to 1550 BC when it was used for medicinal purposes. Garlic is so beneficial because of 2000 of its bioactive properties. There is still research remaining to be done on all the properties, but current research supports the phenolic, phytochemical and antioxidant properties. These appear to affect certain biological processes in cardiovascular, carcinogenic, chronic, and metabolic diseases. Let’s discuss 4 of the health benefits that garlic can provide

the health benefits of garlic
Photo by Gaelle Marcel

4 Health Benefits of Garlic

  1. Anti-Inflammatory   

Inflammation is one of the biggest factors linked to chronic diseases. Therefore, by eating foods high in antioxidants, you can control and reduce inflammation which is helpful for prevention. A study on antioxidants, reported garlic to be effective in diminishing cardiovascular risk in obese patients through lowering cholesterol. Additionally, another study in the same journal reported a double-blind clinical study that outlined the minimization of inflammatory biomarkers in end-stage renal disease.   

2. Skin remedy

Garlic has a long history of use for skin diseases. Historically, this was one of the earliest uses of the spice before the development of antibiotics. Several clinical studies have proved its efficacy for topic application for multiple skin concerns like warts, venous ulcers, and wounds. One study performed using aged garlic confirmed wound-healing properties like increased microcirculation and vascular elasticity.

garlic cloves to cook a healthy dinner
Photo by Bhautik Andhariya

3. Lowering heart disease

Cardiovascular disease is a lifestyle/chronic disease that affects millions of people worldwide. There are several risk factors like diabetes, obesity, high blood pressure, and high cholesterol that can be modified to decrease the probability of disease. Often doctors will recommend a diet low in salt, fat, and sugar. Studies are now supporting the role of garlic in decreasing blood pressure, lowering cholesterol, and preventing cell damage by limiting lipid content in the arterial wall.

4. May help decrease the pain resulting from arthritis

Garlic has been especially studied in patients with Osteoarthritis (OA) by assessing for pain and inflammation markers. A garlic supplement of 1000mg per day was given to participants for a 12-week study and the results reported effective symptom relief. The Arthritis Foundation lists garlic as one of the spices that can help with pain and inflammation. Furthermore, they recommend using the fresh option as opposed to the prepackaged option.

What Should You Do About It?

First, talk to your doctor.  Especially if you take certain medications. Garlic is notoriously considered delicious by most people so continue using it in your foods. The only special consideration is to not overcook it and destroy its beneficial properties.

the benefits of roasted garlic
Photo by Vitor Monthay

How To Make It SMART

SHORT: Implement garlic into your diet. I know I don’t have to convince anyone to do this. There are also many recommendations on how to cook with it so feel free to diversity its use

MEASURABLE- This will be based on what you are using it for. The benefits of the spice are long-term and continual, so it is not a preferred remedy for one thing

ATTAINABLE – Is this something you want to implement consistently? Most people would say yes. Garlic is a delicious spice and easily matched with most foods

REASONABLE- Is it possible to implement? Garlic can be easily implemented into your regular dishes. Feel free to experiment with special recipes once a week that can push you to explore other options

TIMELY- Consistently become aware of herbs/spices that contain similar benefits (ex: anti-inflammatory properties) and choose to include them in your meals. There are so many anti-inflammatory foods out in nature and so the balance is in including different ones as you pursue health and enjoy your plate.

Remember, choosing health is a lifelong journey and commitment, not a quick fix

As always,

Love yourself in health, one day at a time

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