Healing from Aloe Vera in 4 ways

If you stay out in the sun too long

Come back looking like a beet

Your skin is red and inflamed

An Aloe plant is what you need

This succulent perennial

With gel inside the lead

Has been used for centuries

To provide topical relief

A member of the Lily family

Your bites and burns can soothe

Increase local blood flow

And help your skin improve

Internally when taken

It acts as a cathartic

In smaller doses taken

As a digestive tonic

Don’t take if you are pregnant

It could stimulate the uterus

But remember it for minor burns

Your skin with Aloe, bless!

Poem by Sylvia Seroussi Chatroux, M.D.

Did You Know?

Aloe vera is a succulent that grows in hot, dry, and subtropical regions of the world. Historically, it was used for healing in several cultures and today its most common use is in dermatology for burns, wounds, acne, and dermatitis. According to the Indian Journal of Dermatology, aloe vera contains 75 bioactive properties like vitamins, enzymes, sugars, amino acids, minerals, and fatty acids. All these properties are responsible for the remedial elements of the plant. Considering that aloe vera’s medicinal properties have been studied, it is a great plant to adopt into use.  Let’s look at these benefits and how you can get healing from Aloe Vera in 4 ways

aloe vera for healing
Photo by Andrea Leopardi

4 Ways Aloe Vera can Heal

  1. Helping heal burns

Aloe vera’s ability to heal the skin is a result of its ability to increase collagen synthesis and collagen cross-linking. Therefore, this stimulates the birth of new tissue and improves skin integrity for healing. According to an article written in the Journal of Pharmacognosy and Phytochemistry aloe vera can penetrate up to 7 layers deep.

2. Antiseptic

Aloe vera’s antiseptic properties come from 6 factors all of which can inhibit fungus, bacteria, and viruses. One study in the Biomedical Journal of Scientific and Technical Research discovered that aloe vera juice had antimicrobial properties against 10 bacteria strains at 90% concentration. The study also concluded aloe vera’s effectiveness in inactivating herpes simplex, varicella zoster, and influenza. Lastly, the study proved that aloe vera pulp reduced the rate of growth in fungal colonies. 

aloe vera can help heal gum disease
Photo by Rudi Fargo

3. Can heal gum disease

Aloe vera’s ability to heal gum disease is related to factors like anti-inflammatory, antibacterial, and wound healing effects. One research study written in the Journal of Indian Society of Periodontology proved these benefits by using aloe vera gel in periodontal pockets. The study had a total of 15 subjects who were evaluated post-treatment at one month and then again at three months. The findings supported the improvement of periodontal disease in the decrease of pocket depth and inflammation, alongside better healing.

4. Relieves joint pain

Aloe vera relieves joint and muscle pain by decreasing inflammation due to 12 anti-inflammatory nutrients. The Central European Journal of Immunology published an article stating that aloe vera can be used for arthritic pain. The piece suggested that plant gel could be applied directly to swollen and painful joints which get inflamed in rheumatoid or osteoarthritis.

talk to your doctor before using aloe vera

What Should You Do About It?

First, talk to your doctor. Especially if you are taking any medications or have a medical history. Aloe is non-toxic; however, it can alter the effects of certain medications. It is also not safe to take orally for pregnant women because it stimulates uterine contractions. So, please discuss with your doctor if you are curious about taking aloe vera orally.

Photo by Severin Candrian

How To Make It SMART

SHORT- Implement aloe vera into your lifestyle. Especially topically for burns, itching, or rashes. It is a very commonly used topical solution, so it is easy to find it in stores or grow it yourself.

MEASURABLE- This will be based on what you are using it for. Topically, you can apply it to a burn or rash site and monitor whether there is any relief. Typically, there should be immediate relief but since the healing process takes longer, take note of whether you heal better. For example, is there less scarring?

ATTAINABLE- Is this something you can implement? Topical aloe vera is a very successful healer. It should be considered a remedy when needed 

REASONABLE- Is it possible to implement? Feel free to keep aloe vera gel or commit to growing an aloe vera plant for the times you may need it as an alternative to over-the-counter topical gels


As always,                                                                   

Love yourself in health, one day at a time

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