5 Steps to Getting Started with Meditation and Mindfulness

Meditation has always been a buzzword. You’ll find thousands of articles out there with information on how to meditate, “the benefits of mindfulness,” and how it can help your mental health and well-being, but I bet you’re wondering “How do I start?” and “What is it all about?”

Well, in the blog post I will help you understand meditation and mindfulness, the benefits it can provide, and 5 practical steps to begin. Continue reading below for more

First, let’s begin with mindfulness. Mindfulness is the ability to calm your mind, and thoughts and become aware of who you are, where you are, and what you’re doing. How do you practice mindfulness? Meditation. Through meditation, you inhabit a space to unwind and connect with your spirit, your breath, and the heartbeat that powers your being. As you connect to this place, you become one with God and the rhythm of the universe through heightened awareness.

how to practice mindfulness

Did You Know?

A research article published in 2014 by JAMA Internal Medicine found that medication helped relieve stress, pain, and depression by affecting the sympathetic nervous system, which is known to increase heart rate and blood pressure during stress. While stress can be a positive response to protect us from predators and aggressors, chronic stress can be catastrophic for your health. A stress response in your body first begins in your hypothalamus, which sets off the stress alarm. Then the adrenal glands produce adrenaline to increase blood pressure, heart rate, and cortisol which suppresses the immune system, the digestive system, the reproductive system, and cell growth. This body system process is only meant to be short-lived and typically, after the response is over, the body goes back to normal. However, if this process is unregulated due to persistent stress, it becomes chronic where your body is always at this extreme all the time.

According to an article by Mayo Clinic, increased and prolonged stress has been linked to medical issues within the mind and body like anxiety, heart disease, depression, weight gain, and muscle tension/muscle pain.

Nonetheless, we all have episodes of stress in our lives. If not our jobs, our home responsibilities, or unexpected issues. Therefore, even though we cannot necessarily change the occurrence of stress, we can change how we manage it. When you practice managing your stress, you learn to identify it and take better care of yourself.

reducing stress


5 Ways To Manage Your Stress

  1. Exercise- Exercise has been known to be a stress reliever because it releases endorphins and distracts you from whatever stresses you.
  2. Meditation- Is a way to practice mindfulness, which is what I want to challenge you to do
  3. Journaling your thoughts and feelings- It helps you feel like you’re releasing your worries 
  4. Fostering healthy relationships with friends and family- Healthy relationships can be an outlet when you’re stressed. Good energy and great laughter can help you feel better 
  5. Seeking professional counseling- This is important to help discover and amend persistent stressors

How To Make It SMART

SHORT- Set aside some time. This doesn’t have to be a lot of time. You can start with 5 minutes

MEASURABLE- Consistently practice meditation daily and assess how you feel. Do you feel less stressed, more peaceful, more patient, more aware, and less anxious? 

ATTAINABLE- Is this something you want to implement consistently? Meditation and Mindfulness is a habit that must be practiced daily to make it impactful. As a matter of fact, you get better and better at it and desire it more as time goes by.   

REASONABLE- Is it possible to implement? It can be possible if you make it possible. Here are 5 steps to help you start:

  1. Find a quiet spot 
  2. Begin to take deep breaths. Focus on your breath as you inhale and exhale
  3. Relax your body- This may seem like a vague concept but when you begin to take deep breaths, you will notice your body relax. Continue to breathe in and out. Focusing on your inhale and exhale. Focus on your chest rising and falling and the air going into your nose and out of your mouth. Remember to keep your eyes closed during this process.
  4. Repeat this mindfulness and focus for a set period and then arise and continue with your day

TIMELY- Implement this for 30-60 days and see if you notice a difference. Commit to wake up each morning and before you check your phone, focus on your breathing for 5 mins. If practiced with consistency and discipline, you will have increased energy, and reduced high blood pressure, anxiety, and stress. This is important because it reminds you of the power of your breath and you will be capable of practicing mindfulness wherever you are.

As always,

Love yourself in health, one day at a time

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