Keep Drinking Your Coffee for 4 Reasons

Did You Know?

Coffee comes from coffee plants grown in Africa, Latin America, Arabia, and Asia. As one of the most popular beverages in the world, commercial coffee comes from two species, Coffea Arabica and Coffea Canephora. There are many different types of species however these two grow the best for harvest, roasting, and supply for high international demand. Especially Robusta, which is easier and cheaper to produce due to its high resistance against pests. I may not have to convince anyone to drink coffee, but let’s take a more detailed look into 4 reasons drinking coffee can be beneficial besides just for a morning caffeine kick  

4 Reasons to Keep Drinking Coffee

1. Antioxidants

Coffee is proposed to have antioxidant properties in many forms like polyphenols, chlorogenic acids, and caffeine. Additionally, researchers have also discovered that roasted coffee beans can potentiate antioxidant properties within the brew. I have mentioned before that oxidative stress plays a role in aging and chronic disease. Furthermore, it is prolonged oxidative stress that is linked to heart disease, diabetes, premature aging, and some cancers. The benefit of consuming foods with antioxidants is that they alleviate the amount of oxidative stress in the body and therefore reduce the risk of disease. One published study analyzed different coffee brews, their antioxidant properties, and discovered the highest antioxidant content in medium-dark roasted coffee.    


coffee contains antioxidants
Photo by Clay Banks

2. Supports overall Health

Coffee has been linked to support overall health when consumed in moderation. One study followed participants from 10 European countries over 16 years. This longitudinal study concluded that those who consumed coffee had a reduced risk of death from various diseases. Researchers noted a consistent conclusion among varying countries when compared with nonconsumers of coffee.   

3. May protect against Liver Disease

The ability of coffee to protect against liver disease has been proposed to be from the activation of enzymes that detox the liver. Another proposed mechanism is through the antioxidants that ultimately prevent damage to the liver. Despite the lack of one conclusive reason, researchers have still been able to conduct studies that verify a positive correlation between coffee and the decrease in liver disease. One of the first studies to prove this was conducted in 1985 when the liver enzyme GGT was noted to decrease with the consumption of coffee. Another study in 1993 also found a decrease not only in GGT but ALT and AST, which are additional liver enzymes. The researchers studied participants of Italian descent and found a decrease in these enzymes in those who drank three or more cups of coffee a day. A third study was also able to prove a decrease in liver cancer risk in those who drank 3 or more cups of coffee a day regardless of the origin of liver disease. 

coffee may protect against liver disease
Photo by Brigitte Tohm

4. Decrease risk of Depression

Coffee has been linked to decreasing the risk of depression due to its role as a catalyst for the neurotransmitters serotonin and dopamine, which are involved in depression. Dysregulation of these neurotransmitters is responsible for depressive symptoms and researchers believe coffee’s ability to promote stimulation leads to a decrease in depression manifestation. One study was able to conclude an association between coffee consumption and a lower risk of suicide in three large cohorts of both men and women who had a greater consumption of coffee (with a max of 300mg/day). Another study followed a group of women over 22 years and was able to conclude a correlation between coffee and a decreased risk for depression. The researchers proposed the need for another study to discover whether coffee could be used as a prevention or treatment for depression. 

coffee can decrease the risk of depression
Photo by Zarak Khan

What Should You Do About It?

First, talk to your doctor. Especially if you take certain medications or have a medical history. Some people are sensitive to caffeine and should be careful with coffee. According to the Mayo Clinic, 400mg of caffeine a day is considered safe for most adults. However, one must be cautious with the caffeine source because energy drinks contain varying amounts and can easily be overconsumed. The FDA also cautions people against caffeine in powder form because it can provide excessive and toxic amounts of caffeine which can result in health problems and possible death. Side effects of too much caffeine can include headache, insomnia, irritability, nervousness, fast heartbeat, and muscle tremors. If you are taking Ephedrine, which is commonly used in decongestants, Theophylline, which is used for bronchospasm, or the herbal supplement Echinacea, beware that caffeine will interact with these medications. According to the Dietary Guidelines for Americans, it is safe to drink between 3-5 cups of coffee a day, which is suggested to equal 400mg. It is also important to beware of excess additives like sugar, creamers, and flavorings which add calories and alter the health benefits

beware of drinking too much coffee if you have a caffeine sensitivity
Photo by Mike Kenneally

How To Make It SMART

SHORT- Continue enjoying your coffee in the morning, but refrain from consuming caffeine 6 hours before bedtime or else your sleep will be disrupted  

MEASURABLE- Coffee is a great beverage to consume for overall health and wellbeing. Most people consume it in the morning and received the benefits of caffeine for alertness and energy. It helps to know that your coffee is also helping you sustain an overall healthy life and has antioxidants to combat oxidative stress

ATTAINABLE- Is this something you want to implement consistently? I think most people enjoy coffee but It’s okay if you don’t. You can still consume tea and other antioxidant-rich foods like berries and vegetables

REASONABLE- This is something most people have no difficulty implementing. Statistics show that 7 out of 10 Americans drink coffee and 62% drink coffee daily. Around the world, coffee export in January 2022 was 10.9million bags

TIMELY- For all you coffee drinkers, continue drinking your coffee. For those who don’t like coffee, opt for tea instead or decaf coffee, which has minimal caffeine but the same health benefits as regular coffee.  

As always

Love yourself in health, one day at a time

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