Category: Let’s spice it up

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4 Benefits of Cardamom You Never Knew

Something’s smelling awfully nice It’s this quite exotic spice Brings me back to India A tasty flavour for my rice It’s Cardamon, yes indeed A carminative if you need In other words reduce the...

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Discover 4 Benefits of Cinnamon

Did You Know? Cinnamon is a spice derived from the dried inner bark of several species of trees in South America and the West Indies. There are four main types of cinnamon: Indonesian cinnamon,...

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4 Health Benefits of Ginger

Save a gingersnap for me I’m going sailing out to sea Those waves and I do not agree I’m nauseated as can be! Ginger for your motion sickness Helps digest and stimulate It’s an...

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The Great Benefits of Turmeric

Turmeric of orange bright I feel like painting in your sight The yellow pigment of your stain From curcumin that you contain Curcumin for your health Its qualities we see in wealth Internally a...