Category: Botanicals

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Discover 4 Great Benefits of Eucalyptus

Did You Know? Eucalyptus is a tree native to Australia and Tasmania from a genus of over 600 species. It is a fast-growing tree that can reach heights of over 300 feet with long...

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3 Benefits of Rosemary

Oh Rosemary growing in my yard Your qualities I shan’t discard To use your leaf when you flower Gives it added healing power Put his herb in my bath That my muscles might relax...

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Healing from Aloe Vera in 4 ways

If you stay out in the sun too long Come back looking like a beet Your skin is red and inflamed An Aloe plant is what you need This succulent perennial With gel inside...

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How Lavender can Improve Sleep

Sleep is a topic that is ever evasive to many of us, but I am here to tell you that it doesn’t have to be. According to the Sleep Foundation, the average adult (ages...