4 Benefits of Cardamom You Never Knew

Something’s smelling awfully nice

It’s this quite exotic spice

Brings me back to India

A tasty flavour for my rice

It’s Cardamon, yes indeed

A carminative if you need

In other words reduce the gas

Volatile oils are in the seed

Stimulate the appetite

Saliva flows and that is right

It’s a warming influence

Relax a tummy that’s uptight

For colic that could make you cry

Or diarrhea, you can try

For flavour and to help relax

Just let me have my cup of chai!

                                                                                    Poem by Sylvia Seroussi Chatroux, M.D.

Did You Know?   

Cardamom is a spice from the ginger family that is produced whole, ground, or in seed form. It has a strong aroma and is a popular seasoning in South Asian curries and Scandinavian pastries. As the third most valuable spice after Saffron and Vanilla, Cardamom comes in three types: black, green, or bleached to become white. If you’ve never heard of cardamom before you’ve probably tasted it in a chai latte or masala chai. Although a more popular spice in European, Asian, and African cuisines, cardamom is one of the main ingredients in chai, a beverage originally from India but common in the U.S. It also pairs well with savory dishes and baked goods and is notable for its health benefits. These benefits proposed initially through Ayurveda medicine are starting to be supported through mainstream research. Cardamom has been proved to be anti-inflammatory, antioxidative, antimicrobial, and gastroprotective. Continue reading to discover more about the 4 benefits of cardamom.

cardamom and mango
Photo by Priyanka Singh

4 Benefits of Cardamom

1. High in Antioxidants

The antioxidant properties within cardamom are due to multiple factors but the main component called 1,8 Cineole has been proven to have antioxidative effects. One study found that the multiple phytochemical properties in cardamom scavenge free radicals to reduce the effects of oxidative stress. Another study found cardamom to improve total antioxidant status by 90% in participants at risk for heart disease. Researchers administered 3g of cardamom powder to participants over 12 weeks along with baseline and post-study blood samples. Results indicated a significant increase in antioxidant status after 3 months.

2. Protect against Oral Infection

The bioactive properties of cardamom have been proven to be antimicrobial against multiple types of pathogens. One study compared the compounds of three cardamom species and discovered that 1,8 cineole had significant antifungal properties. Another study found antimicrobial benefits against multiple bacterial pathogens, most susceptibly Staphylococcus aureus (S. aureus). This significance lies in the role of S. aureus in oral and perioral disease. Researchers concluded the potential use of cardamom as an antimicrobial agent for oral diseases.

cardamom seeds for health
Photo by Rens D

3. May alleviate Digestive Issues

Cardamom has traditionally been used to treat GI issues in Unani Medicine, which is a traditional system of healing in South Asia. Thus seeking to support these claims, researchers are discovering gastroprotective properties within the spice. One study within the Journal of Ethnopharmacology tested cardamom for its ability to inhibit gastric ulcers. Although not conducted on humans, researchers found that cardamom extract was more effective at reducing GI ulcers than a common antacid like Zantac. More research is pending on dose application for humans, but the study concluded that a dose of 12.5mg/kg (in rats) provided 100% inhibition and protection.

4. Anti-Inflammatory

Research has found that the anti-inflammatory properties of cardamom are through a mechanism that inhibits the transcription of pro-inflammatory genes, meaning the properties of cardamom prevent and regulate excess inflammation. One 8-week randomized double-blind study conducted on prediabetic women proved the anti-inflammatory benefits of cardamom through blood samples. Researchers drew blood before and after, assessing for inflammatory markers like c-reactive protein and interleukin-6. The post-study results exhibited improved inflammation, therefore, allowing researchers to support cardamom as an anti-inflammatory agent.

chai made from cardamom for your health
Photo by Aditya Joshi

What Should You Do About It?

First, talk to your doctor. Especially if you have a medical history or take certain medications. I am not knowledgeable about Ayurveda medicine or Unani practice so I cannot propose or recommend any practices. According to the NIH, there is no licensure in the United States for Ayurvedic practitioners. Cardamom is commonly used in food but does not have a specific recommended dose for supplementation. There are countries (Middle East, Asia, and Europe) that utilize and favor cardamom more frequently in their food. For example, the Swedish use cardamom in their baking, and in Saudi Arabia, cardamom is used in coffee. So, if you live in a country that commonly uses cardamom, continue enjoying it knowing the benefits it possesses. If not, explore your palate and try using cardamom in your food or going out to eat a dish that includes cardamom.

How To Make It SMART


SHORT- Implement cardamom spice into your diet because it is a spice with a unique taste and great benefits. You may already drink chai lattes or masala chai, but you can also include it in muffins and other baked goods   

MEASURABLE- There is no single reason to include cardamom spice into your diet other than diversifying your palate and enjoying foods that support overall health 

ATTAINABLE- Using cardamom spice daily may not be necessary unless you drink chai every morning. Many spices have antioxidative and anti-inflammatory properties and cardamom is one of them 

REASONABLE- Is it possible to implement? Cardamom is a unique spice that may not be common to some people, while others love it. My experience with cardamom is infrequent but I enjoy the taste. Therefore, use it occasionally knowing the health benefits it possesses

TIMELY- Commit to including cardamom whenever you can. Explore new recipes, drink a warm cup of chai knowing you are taking care of your health   

As always,

Love yourself in health, one day at a time

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