4 Health Benefits of Bromelain in Pineapple

Did You Know?

A tropical fruit native to South America, pineapple is one of the most popular commercial plants around the world. Pineapples can be consumed fresh, cooked, or juiced as a healthy food option packed with vitamins and minerals like vitamin C, manganese, calcium, potassium, and fiber. Although native to South America, they are also cultivated in Hawaii, China, India, and Thailand. They take between 2-2.5 years to grow and weigh 2-4lbs. The benefits of pineapple come from bromelain, an enzyme with many medicinal benefits like reducing inflammation, aiding in digestion, and promoting tissue healing and restoration. Continue reading to see these 4 health benefits in detail

4 Benefits of Bromelain

1. Aid in Digestion

The benefits of pineapple for digestion come from both its fiber contents and bromelain, which is a digestive enzyme primarily for protein. Since the stem holds the greatest source of bromelain, it is stem-sourced bromelain that is synthesized for commercial in-store supplements. One study found these supplements have proved to be successful as a digestive aid for patients after pancreas removal. Evidence supports a combination treatment of ox bile, pancreatin, and bromelain to improve post-op symptoms like pain, stool frequency, and gas. 

bromelain for health benefits
Photo by Phoenix Han

2. Nutritious Benefits

Pineapples are a nutritious fruit full of vitamins, enzymes, and antioxidants like vitamin C, Vitamin b6, and manganese. As a source of 90% of daily vitamin C, this fruit supports a healthy immune system and with 10% of vitamin b6 and 70% manganese, it supports energy metabolism. An important part of a healthy lifestyle is eating nutritious foods and the right pineapple can be sweet and enjoyable

3. Promotes Tissue Healing

Pineapple is the only food that contains bromelain, an enzyme that helps your tissues and skin heal. More specifically, bromelain has been proved effective in supporting wound healing in second and third-degree burns. One study conducted using 35% bromelain cream was found to be beneficial in removing dying tissue while accelerating healing. Researchers discovered a factor in bromelain that specifically degrades dead tissue and preserves unburned tissue. Researchers concluded it to be a superior solution as opposed to surgical intervention which introduces complications of blood loss and anesthesia.   

bromelain promotes tissue healing
Photo by Slashio Photography

4. Reduce Inflammation

Pineapple can help reduce inflammation because bromelain slows down the accumulation of inflammatory byproducts in the body. When inflammation factors like prostaglandins accumulate in the body to promote swelling, bromelain has been found to slow their growth. Another study was also able to demonstrate that bromelain decreased acute inflammation by changing the cell mediators that would induce it. 

What Should You Do About It?

First, talk to your doctor. Especially if you take medications or have a medical history. Three of the benefits mentioned above are based on supplemental bromelain so talk to your doctor first. Bromelain may interact with some antibiotics like amoxicillin, blood pressure medications, chemo drugs, and blood thinners.

For those who want to enjoy pineapple, beware of a food allergy that would occur within a few minutes to 2 hours of consumption. The most common signs and symptoms are itching in the mouth, hives, swelling of the lips, face, and tongue, and trouble breathing, which can become life-threatening. However, if you have a mild burning sensation in your mouth when eating pineapple, this is normal because of bromelain. Since Bromelain is a naturally occurring enzyme, it begins working in your mouth. If the sensation is too uncomfortable, you can grill or cook the pineapple which will weaken the bromelain and therefore decrease the burning sensation.   

pineapples reduce inflammation
Photo by Gabriel Yuji

How To Make It SMART

SHORT- Commit to choosing pineapple as a healthy snack because the right pineapple is sweet and satisfying. You can eat it fresh and diced, or in a smoothie, or grill it. Fun fact, pineapples do not ripen after they are picked. So, at the store, pick a fruit that has a golden color and looks ready to eat. Once cut, store it in the fridge in an airtight container and enjoy for 2-4 days    

MEASURABLE- This depends on what you are seeking relief for because pineapple can be part of a healthy diet. If your doctor recommends supplementing with bromelain, it can aid in digestion, and reduce inflammation. So, you can use these as measurable metrics and take note of how your feel

ATTAINABLE- Is this something you want to implement consistently? Creating healthy habits must be consistent. You don’t have to eat pineapple every day, but consider it as a snack, garnish, or dessert 

REASONABLE- Is it possible to implement? Pineapple is a popular fruit and is enjoyed in numerous ways. Enjoy pineapple however you want, knowing the benefits it possesses

TIMELY- Commit to including pineapple in your diet and assess whether you see any benefits.

As always,

Love yourself in health, one day at a time   

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