The Health Benefits of Beets

I don’t know about you, but I LOVE easy recipes. If I can get a recipe with a maximum of 10 ingredients, I get excited. Remember, we want our healthy choices to be simple and easily applicable. So, here is a smoothie recipe I enjoy when I want to incorporate beets into my diet. Beets are an amazing nutrient source because they are packed with antioxidants, vitamin C, fiber, phosphorus, magnesium, calcium…….and the list goes on. All this abundance of nutrients can help your body in many ways. Let’s look at the 5 health benefits of beets.

beets for blood pressure

5 Benefits of Beets for Health

  1. Helps lower blood pressure

Beets have a high amount of dietary nitrates, which are molecular compounds that get converted into nitric oxide in the body. All you need to know is that nitric oxide helps dilate blood vessels and therefore lowers blood pressure. There was a study published in The Journal of Hypertension that followed two groups of people; one group drank beet juice (group A) and the other group drank a placebo drink of red dye water (group B). They found that within 1 hour of drinking the beet juice, there was a change in the blood pressure of group A, with the peak different after 2.5 hours.

2. Helps improve digestion

The high fiber content in beets makes them ideal for alleviating constipation. Any fiber source is a great option to alleviate constipation but why not diversify your options with beets  

beets for vitamin C

3. Boosts Immunity

We all know how good Vitamin C is for immunity. We drink orange juice, eat nectarines, drink emergen-C. And now you can include beets to boost your immunity to fight colds

4. Prevents inflammation

The dark red color in beets is made by a compound called Betalain. Betalain is just one of several antioxidants present in beets to combat inflammation. Even though inflammation is part of the body’s defense system, chronic inflammation can manifest in diseases like heart disease and joint disease. So, we generally want to do all we can to combat chronic inflammation, especially through the diet

5. Improves athletic performance

This last reason ties back to my first point about the nitrates in beets. These nitrates are responsible for many physiological and biological processes. I mentioned vascular dilation in my first point about blood pressure, however the same concept ties into athletic performance because dilated blood vessels transport oxygenated blood more efficiently to working muscles. Therefore, if you have better blood flow, you have less fatigue, more endurance, and less muscle soreness post-workout. 

the health benefits of beets

What Should You Do About It?

First, talk to your doctor if you take any medications or have any medical history. Overconsumption of beets can lead to additional health issues like kidney stones or worsening gout.

If you are okay to proceed, look to incorporate beets into your diet.

How To Make It SMART

SHORT- Implement beets into your diet. In the form of smoothies, salads, etc. I like my beets both ways and I have included a simple smoothie recipe below

MEASURABLE- This depends on what you are using beets for. As I mentioned, consult with your doctor if you are on any medications, or have a specific medical history. Beets do not need to be consumed daily and are not an indefinite cure for hypertension, but they work together with other lifestyle habits to bring the change you need. If you are using them for athletic performance, measure whether your workouts improve

ATTAINABLE- Is this something you want to implement? Most issues don’t have one answer and some people dislike the taste of beets. Therefore, this is one recommendation that will not work for some, and this is okay.

REASONABLE- This ties back to the A for attainable. Is this possible to implement? We each have different palates and some dislike the taste and the hassle of preparing food that can stain. Yes, beets must be used with caution because they can stain everything so you must clean them immediately to avoid a harder job after it dries.

TIMELY- Commit to including beets in your diet for 30-60 days. If you workout, there are beet powders and supplements to consume in and around your workouts. Assess to see if you notice any change. I stress the importance of talking with your doctor if you have any medical history or any medications before trying certain remedies. Especially if you are looking to have better blood pressure control and reduced inflammation. Chronic and lifestyle diseases usually require a balance of many factors so taking beets won’t cure everything. However, it is a step in the direction to become more aware of foods that can heal. 

As promised, here is a recipe I tried with 4 ingredients that I thought tasted great. For all you non-breakfast eaters, this would be quick and easy in the morning. Try it out and let me know what you think in the comments.

Remember, choosing health is a lifelong journey and commitment, not a quick fix

As always,

Love yourself in health, one day at a time




1 cup frozen pineapple

1/2 cup plain yogurt

1/2 beet bulb

1/2 banana

Blend. Drink. Enjoy

beet smoothie for health

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