Almonds: The Best Way to Optimize your Health

If you’re looking for a nutritious snack that offers a variety of health benefits, almonds should be at the top of your list. Almonds are a type of tree nut that is native to Asia and Mediterranean climates. They are packed with healthy fats, protein, phosphorus, vitamin E, and offer a range of health benefits when consumed regularly. In this blog post, we’ll take a closer look at the 4 health benefits of almonds and explore why they make such a great snack choice! I will also provide you with actionable steps on how to include them into your diet in 5 steps.

Did You Know?

The almond is a tree nut native to Southwestern Asia and Mediterranean climates like California where 80% of the world’s supply of Almonds is cultivated. Although referred to as nuts, they are seeds that grow within a hard shell inside a fruit. When ready for harvest, the hard shell splits open to reveal the seed (almond). There are two main types of almonds: sweet almonds and bitter almonds. Sweet almonds are mostly used for oil while bitter almonds are used as flavoring agents in liqueurs. While California grows more than 25 different almonds, Spain, Greece, Iran, and Turkey are also notable almond producers. Continue reading to discover 4 benefits of consuming almonds

quick healthy snacks
Photo by Marcia Cripps

4 Health Benefits of Almonds

  1. May assist in weight loss

Almonds can be an effective part of a weight loss plan because they reduce hunger and increase satiety. One study published in the European Journal of Clinical Nutrition followed a group of Type II diabetic participants over a 4-week randomized trial. Results indicated that after 4 weeks, participants had lower blood glucose, reduced hunger, and appetite. Researchers concluded that almonds are an effective snack option for those on calorie restrictions and they did not pose the risk of weight gain.

  1. Great source of healthy fats

Almonds are a great source of monounsaturated fats and vitamin E, which is a fat-soluble antioxidant source. Monounsaturated fat is a type of healthy fat source that your body needs and is characterized by a liquid consistency at room temperature like olive oil. The American Heart Association recommends the intake of monounsaturated fats as a good source of fats to support heart health and decrease the risk of chronic disease. Additionally, monounsaturated fats also contain vitamin E, an antioxidant that also supports overall health. Vitamin E is important for vision health, reproduction, brain health, and skin health. However, it is also an antioxidant, which means it protects against cell damage caused by multiple factors like the free radicals from chronic inflammation. Almonds are a rich source of vitamin E with 7mg per serving which is almost half of the daily recommendation which is 15mg.

health benefits of almonds
Photo by dhanya purohit
  1. May improve cholesterol

Almonds can affect cholesterol levels due to their vitamin E content which has been shown to reduce LDL (bad cholesterol). Researchers believe this mechanism of action is through the antioxidative properties which prevent the clogging of arteries that happens with high cholesterol. One study found that daily consumption of almonds can affect cholesterol levels by 1% especially included with other lifestyle measures to reduce cholesterol.

  1. Reduce heart disease

Almonds can help reduce the risk of heart disease due to multiple factors. The risk of heart disease is characterized by compounded issues like high cholesterol, obesity, unhealthy diet, physical inactivity, and high blood pressure. Improved cholesterol is one benefit that a diet of almonds can provide, but it must be coupled with other lifestyle measures like reducing saturated and trans fats. One study conducted over 4 weeks found that the daily consumption of almonds improved cholesterol and total caloric intake due to increased satiety. Researchers concluded that almonds should be included in typical diets to improve nutrition status in overweight and obese adults and reduce the risk of heart disease.  

how to eat almonds
Photo by dhanya purohit

What Should You Do About It?

First, talk to your doctor. Especially if you take certain medications or have a medical history. Beware of tree nut allergies, which are the most common food allergies between both adults and children. Tree nuts like almonds are not the same as peanuts, which are legumes. Nonetheless, one study found that by age 6, tree nut allergies are just as common as peanut allergies.

Otherwise, continue consuming almonds as a healthy snack option in your diet if you already do. There are multiple ways to enjoy them plain and salted, or as almond butter, almond milk, or almond flour for baking. Almond milk is an especially great option if you are lactose intolerant.

How To Make It SMART

SHORT- Commit to including a serving of almonds for a snack, whether almond butter on toast, almond milk in your smoothie, or almond flour in baking a cake. I enjoy eating lightly salted almonds as a snack

MEASURABLE- Almonds should be used as a part of an overall healthy diet. They will reduce your risk for chronic ailments like high cholesterol or heart disease while also supporting a healthy lifestyle   

ATTAINABLE- Almonds can be used in a variety of ways and should be enjoyed in any way you prefer. Almond products are also easily accessible in store  

REASONABLE- Almonds are a very common tree nut and can be enjoyed in multiple ways to support health

TIMELY- Commit to including almonds into your diet for 30-60 days. Feel free to diversity the ways you consume almonds. For example, you can carry them as a snack one day or make a smoothie with almond milk the next day  

As always,

Love yourself in health, one day at a time

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