4 Health Benefits of Citrus Fruits

Did You Know?

Citrus is a genus of plants that yield white flowers and fruits like lemon, lime, orange, tangerine, grapefruit, citron, and shaddock. They are evergreen trees with oval-shaped leaves that grow primarily in subtropical and tropical regions of the world. Originally cultivated more than 4,000 years ago in southern China and Southeast Asia, it was not until the 1800s that they became widely distributed around the world by explorers. Additionally, their popularity increased in the 1890s when science and physicians discovered the curative properties of citrus for the vitamin C deficiency disease named scurvy. Today, research supports health benefits associated with antioxidants, vitamins, minerals, and fiber. Continue reading to discover 4 benefits of citrus fruits in your diet and how they can support your health  

citrus fruit assortment
Photo by Dora Cavallo

4 Benefits of Citrus

  1. Rich in Vitamin C

Vitamin C is an essential water-soluble vitamin that is important for multiple reasons like supporting the immune system and maintaining healthy skin, bones, and connective tissue. It is also important for improving the absorption of iron from plant-based sources like beans and leafy vegetables. It also plays a role in tissue repair from wounds. Vitamin C has also been credited for antioxidant functions which support overall health by reducing inflammation.  

  1. May Improve Skin

Citrus fruits are associated with improved skin due to their high vitamin C content. Vitamin C has been linked to helping maintain healthy skin, participating in collagen synthesis, and promoting wound healing and repair. One study published in the American Journal of Clinical Nutrition followed about 4,000 women between the ages of 40-74 to discover whether there was an association between nutrition and dermatological health. Researchers discovered that participants who has higher vitamin C intake had a lower likelihood of wrinkled skin, dryness, and thinning. Researchers discovered that lower intake of vitamin C had a significant association with wrinkles, dryness, and thinning regardless of sun exposure, race, menopausal status, and alternative supplement use. The study also mentioned these findings were not in isolation to skin care and facial cosmetic agents. However, the recommendation was in supporting the consumption of a wholesome and healthy diet that not only includes vitamin C from citrus fruits but also vegetables and nuts.

oranges on a platter
Photo by Aliona Gumeniuk
  1. Reduce risk of Anemia

Citrus fruits can help reduce the risk of anemia through nutrient properties like vitamin C and folate. Anemia is a disease process that manifests from prolonged iron deficiency due to multiple reasons like lack of food access, impaired absorption, or decreased consumption of nutrient-rich foods. However, vitamin C has been proven to promote iron absorption from non-animal products. Therefore, including citrus fruit in a primarily plant-based diet can be beneficial because the availability of iron from plants is more difficult for our bodies to absorb. Additionally, since folate is responsible for mature red blood cell growth, both nutrients will be effective in reducing the risk of anemia.

  1. Boost immunity

Vitamin C is one of the most celebrated nutrients for improved immunity however, citrus fruits are packed with other nutrients that together with vitamin C provide health benefits. For example, folate is a water-soluble vitamin that is essential for cell production and growth. It helps produce healthy cells like immune cells and red blood cells to support overall body function. In the same way, vitamin C helps stimulates white blood cell function and in some studies, vitamin C has been reported to reduce the symptoms and severity of colds. One study found that regular supplementation with vitamin C (average dose of 1-2g/day) resulted in an 8% reduction in the duration of a common cold.

a bowl of oranges and lemons for vitamin c
Photo by Monika Grabkowska

What Should You Do About It?

First, talk to your doctor. Especially if you have a medical history or take certain medications. Science supports that a minimum consumption of 10mg of Vitamin C is sufficient against vitamin C deficiency. Although the Mayo Clinic recommends women should intake 75mg a day and men should intake 90mg a day for optimal health. With an upper limit of 2,000mg, too much vitamin C is not dangerous however some symptoms could include diarrhea, heartburn, nausea, and stomach cramps.

Beware of grapefruit and the potential interaction with medications. Always talk to your doctor and pharmacist about medication interactions. According to the FDA, some categories of drugs that are affected by grapefruit are blood pressure meds, cholesterol meds, anti-anxiety meds, organ transplant rejection meds, antihistamines, heart meds, and steroids. The FDA warns that the severity of interaction will differ with each person and depending on the medication, the drug can either be potentiated or reduced. Additionally, Seville oranges, pomelos, and tangelos may also interact with medications and should not be consumed if your medication warns against grapefruit juice.

orange tree ready for harvest
Photo by Jason Richard

How To Make It SMART

SHORT- Commit to consuming citrus fruits. There are many options like oranges, lemons, and limes. Just beware of grapefruit and grapefruit-related fruits (mentioned above) if you are on certain medications. You can drink orange juice, bake with lemons or lime, or eat a fresh tangerine. You can also use lemons to make a vinaigrette for your salad

MEASURABLE- Citrus fruits will support your overall health. They may improve your skin, improve your immunity, and support recovery from a cold. If you are at risk of anemia, talk to your doctor first to get a diagnosis and a reason. Anemia can be caused by multiple issues and may require iron supplements depending on severity. However, citrus fruits are a supportive option for reducing risk but not a cure for iron deficiency  

ATTAINABLE- Citrus fruits are generally available year-round and therefore they can be easily found in stores. There are multiple ways to include them in your diet.

REASONABLE- Citrus fruits are common and grown in more than 140 different countries around the world. You should find a type of citrus fruit you enjoy and make it part of your diet

TIMELY- Commit to eating citrus fruits to support your overall health

As always,

Love yourself in health, one day at a time  


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