When Life Gives you Lemons, Make Lemon Water. Find out Why

Did You Know?

Lemon is a yellow citrus fruit that primarily grows in mild warm climates. There are about 12 different types of lemon trees around the world but only 2 species are common in North America. Lemons can not only help your food taste great, but they have several health benefits to provide. Since lemons are packed with nutrients like vitamin C, antioxidants, potassium, and vitamin b6, they are a good overall addition to your diet. Check out 4 benefits of lemon below and how to begin including them in your diet in 5 steps  

4 Health Benefits of Lemon

  1. Good source of Vitamin C

Lemons are a good vitamin C source with as much as 53mg in one fruit. Vitamin C is one of the many nutrients your body needs for your immune system, to form blood vessels, and to heal. As an antioxidant too, vitamin C protects the body from the free radicals that can cause internal damage and chronic disease. According to the Mayo Clinic, the recommended daily amount of vitamin C is 90mg for men and 75mg for women. Through multiple combinations, it is easy to provide your body with the appropriate daily intake.

lemons are a great source of vitamin C
Photo by Cristina Anne Costello

2. Aids in digestion

According to the Cleveland Clinic, lemon water aids in digestion by acting like a supplement to your stomach acid. Apparently, as we age, our bodies can experience a change in stomach acid production and have difficulty digesting foods. Therefore, drinking lemon water first thing in the morning can help with digestion throughout the day.  

3. May help improve hydration

Lemon’s ability to improve hydration is in the psychological response that some people have to the tastelessness of water. Some find they cannot consume the daily recommendation of water without an additive to taste. Lemon is a popular and common beverage served in restaurants and can be easily made at home too. So, try it and take note of whether you drink more water. You can also add other fruits like oranges, mint, and berries.  

Read here about 4 reasons why you should be drinking more water 

4. Great for seasoning

Lemon’s sour taste does not make it easy to consume alone and therefore diluting it in water or using it as a seasoning is common. You can season chicken, fish, and veggies, make lemon bars, cake frosting, salad dressing, ice cream, and the list goes on. So, make your food tasty and get health benefits are the same time   

a glass of lemon water for hydration
Photo by Charity Beth Long

What Should You Do About It?

Talk to your doctor first. Especially if you have a certain medical history. As I mentioned, the sour taste of lemon makes it difficult for people to consume it alone and this is preferable because the acidity can lead to enamel erosion. Additionally, if you have a history of acid reflux, excessive acidity can be irritable to your GI system and cause increased symptoms.  

use lemons for seasoning

How To Make It SMART

SHORT- Implement lemon into your diet in multiple ways like lemon water, lemon tea, marinade, seasonings, etc.

MEASURABLE- Lemons in your diet are not a specific remedy for an ailment but more so nutritious support. You should try and add lemon to your water to enhance the taste and add refreshment. Some people notice they drink more water if it has a taste to it so instead of adding a sweetener, add pieces of fruit like lemon.

ATTAINABLE- Is this something you want to implement consistently? Is it possible to change? You may already use lemon in your diet so continue to in a way that works for you

REASONABLE- Is it possible to implement? Lemon is a commonly used fruit, whether in water, for baking, for garnish, or for seasoning. Continue using it however you prefer, now knowing some benefits it possesses

TIMELY- Commit to using lemon for its health benefits. Enjoy it as an enhancement to your food. Lemons are not a single remedy to any one health problem; they are a food option to be included in your overall health habits.

Remember, choosing health is a lifelong journey and commitment, not a quick fix

As always,

Love yourself in health, one day at a time

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