Try Honey for 4 reasons

Did You Know?

Honey is a natural sweetener that bees make from the nectar of flowers they feed on. There are 300 different types of honey in the U.S and you can usually differentiate them based on their nectar source. For example, manuka honey comes from the nectar and pollen of a Manuka bush in New Zealand. As a sweetener, it is comprised of both fructose and glucose through a refining process that creates what we see on store shelves. Moreover, you can buy it raw, pasteurized, light, or dark all of which affect its flavor, color, and aroma. Honey has also been credited with health benefits and studies have recommended its use for antibacterial, anti-inflammatory, and antioxidant properties. Let’s look at 4 benefits of honey and discuss


honey has great health benefits
Photo by Art Rachen

4 Health Benefits of Honey

  1. Great sweetener alternative

Honey is a great sweetener alternative because of its additional health benefits. The use of added sugar has always been a topic of discussion around healthy lifestyles and overall health. The American Heart Association recommends women consume 6tsp and men consume 9tsp of added sugar per day. Especially because there is no nutritional benefit from added sugar, and it only leads to overconsumption and weight gain. Alternatively, honey serves as a preferred choice because it is a natural source of sweetener. However, it still needs the same discretion as any sweetener because too much of it will still put you at risk for the same diseases as refined sugar.

2. Aids in wound healing

Honey can help heal wounds because of its antibacterial, antiviral, and anti-inflammatory properties. According to a research article written in Pharmacognosy Research, honey can activate the immune system for tissue repair and has been proved effective for burns and leg ulcers.

honey is a great alternative sweetner
Photo by Sandi Benedicta

3. High anti-oxidant and anti-inflammatory properties

Honey’s ability to have antioxidative and anti-inflammatory properties is related to 2 main compounds: polyphenols, and flavonoids. Both compounds reduce oxidative stress which causes disease and suppresses the production of inflammatory cells that lead to chronic inflammation. The color of the honey is the best indicator of antioxidant potency so the darker the honey the higher the value of antioxidants.  

4. Reduce risk for heart disease

Honey’s ability to reduce heart disease also comes from the polyphenols and flavonoids that were discussed above. Polyphenols and flavonoids have protective abilities in the form of improving coronary circulation, decreasing platelet aggregation in vessels, and preventing the formation of oxidized LDL. These 3 factors are important in preventing heart disease because they usually result in an obstruction or altered circulation and manifest as a heart attack 

follow recommendations from your doctor

What Should You Do About It?

Talk to your doctor first. Especially if you take certain medications or have a certain medical history. For example, diabetics should use caution with any type of sweets. Honey is contraindicated for children under 1-year-old because it can result in infant botulism, a serious life-threatening condition. Additionally, those with a honey allergy should stay away. According to the Mayo Clinic, some allergies can be from the components of honey, like bee pollen, which can still result in a serious reaction.       

honey can be a great sweetener for waffles
Photo by مهدی کردی

How To Make It SMART

SHORT- Implement honey into your diet. You can use it as a sweetener in drinks, baking, marinades, sauces or to soothe a cough or sore throat. Especially since honey is a great alternative to refined sugar 

MEASURABLE- This depends on what you are using it for. If you use it to soothe a cough, assess how you feel after using honey to alleviate your symptoms. When I have a cold, I always make a cup of lemon and honey, which is quite soothing. The CDC recommends the use of honey in tea to relieve cough in adults and children at least 1 year of age

ATTAINABLE- Is this something you want to implement consistently? Is it possible to change? Honey is a commonly used natural product. There are so many ways to include it into your diet, especially as an alternative to refined sugar. Try substituting all the ways you consume added sugar with honey but remain within the AHA recommendation of 6 daily tsp for women and 9 daily tsp for men. Our body recognizes any sugar as sugar so natural sweeteners do not get a pass for overconsumption.

REASONABLE- Is it possible to implement? Can you start to include honey? There are so many ways to include honey into your diet so pick one that fits you. You can drizzle honey on your yogurt, put it into your overnight oats, make a marinade for your salmon, etc.

TIMELY- Commit to including honey into your diet for 30-60days. You don’t have to transform your habits overnight. Find one area of your diet where you use refined sugar and substitute honey instead (keeping in mind the AHA recommendation). Reassess how you feel and take note of palate changes. For example, you may find you prefer honey over time. Remember these little habits will add up to result in a healthier lifestyle.

As always,

Love yourself in health, one day at a time

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