Yes, Avocado is a fruit. Discover 4 great benefits

Avocados are significant for overall health because of all the nutritious benefits they possess. The vitamins and healthy fats play an important part in maintaining a healthy lifestyle, controlling weight, and alleviating risk factors for disease. In this blog post, we will look at 4 benefits of avocado and an easy 5 step process you can use to begin including them in your diet  

Did You Know?

Avocados are a fruit that grows from a tree native to the Western Hemisphere, Mexico, and regions of South America. They grow in warm climates and are well known for their nutritious content and overall health benefit. There are 15 different types of avocados, each distinctive in flavor, texture, size, and color. In the U.S. and Mexico, Hass avocados are the most common and are usually eaten in the form of guacamole, but more diverse ways have proved to be delicious like avocado in smoothies and on toast.

4 Health Benefits of Avocado

  1. Nutritious

Avocado has great nutritious content. It contains 20 vitamins and minerals in one 50g serving (about 1/3 of an avocado). It has fiber for a healthy gut, monounsaturated fats, folate to help healthy tissue development, vitamin K, potassium, vitamin C, magnesium, manganese, and vitamin B6. All these nutrients help with cellular function, the immune system, and maintaining healthy cholesterol.

avocado for your health
Photo by Louis Hansel

2. Healthy source of fats

The healthy fats in avocados are significant because they help lower the risk of heart disease by lowering cholesterol. 75% of the fats in avocado are healthy monounsaturated fats, which also help in fat-soluble vitamin absorption. However, beware to not overindulge in avocados because their high-fat content also makes them high in calories which can result in weight gain. Therefore, if you are trying to lose weight, you should be aware of and conservative in your consumption of avocados. After all, too much of a good thing can be bad.

3. Support good heart health

Avocados support good heart health because of their source of fats. There are three common risk factors for heart disease: high cholesterol, high blood pressure, and smoking. Avocados help decrease one of those risks and combined with an overall healthy lifestyle, one can eliminate all risk factors. Certainly, coupled with a decrease in unhealthy fat consumption, avocados help lower bad cholesterol (LDL) by building up good cholesterol (HDL). The danger of too much bad cholesterol is the risk of atherosclerosis, which is when excess cholesterol creates fat deposits in your arteries leading to a clog (aka a heart attack).

avocado slices for guacamole
Photo by HaYaTT ZW

4. Help manage weight

Avocado’s ability to help manage weight comes from its nutritional content. The high fats and fiber make it hard to overindulge and this prevents overeating from other sources which lead to managed weight and weight loss. This was scientifically proved in a study where overweight and obese participants were given avocados to replace carbohydrate content in their meals. The study found that participants who consumed avocados had greater satiety and satisfaction with overall reduced hunger.

talk to your doctor before trying anything new

What Should You Do About It?

Talk to your doctor first. Especially if you take certain medications or have a certain medical history. The vitamin K content in avocados should provide caution for people on blood thinners like warfarin because a fluctuation of vitamin K will affect the effectiveness of the medication. So, discuss with your doctor some of your risk factors and then moderately proceed with avocado intake

avocado mask
Photo by Art Rachen

How To Make It SMART

SHORT- Implement avocados into your diet. You can find creative ways to do so like avocados in smoothies, salads, guacamole, and avocado toast

MEASURABLE- Since avocados are not a single cure for health, incorporate them into your diet with the goal of an overall healthy lifestyle. Eat avocado moderately with the understanding that you are giving back to yourself in a healthy way. 

ATTAINABLE- Is this something you want to implement consistently? Is it possible to change? Avocados are a widely enjoyed fruit, so include them into your diet however you see fit

REASONABLE- Is it possible to implement? Can you start to include avocados? In 2021, the U.S imported $2.8Billion in avocados from Mexico so it is safe to assume that most people eat avocados. However, if you don’t, you should consider starting  

TIMELY- Commit to including avocados in your diet. This does not have to be a daily occurrence, but a consistent occurrence over 30-60days. Since everyone is different, consider using avocados in a way that works for you. According to the Cleveland Clinic, 1/2 -1 avocado a day can be sufficient, based on the assumption that this is your only source of healthy fats. If you get fats from multiple sources, you can alternate between avocados, oils, nuts, and nut butter. Avocados have long-term benefits but there are some short-term benefits like improved gut health and weight loss. Therefore, assess how you feel then make it a permanent and consistent food choice.

As always,

Love yourself in health, one day at a time

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