Go Bananas for these 4 benefits

Did You Know?

Bananas are one of the most popular fruits around the world. They grow in tropical climates in more than 150 countries making them one of the most traded fruits and most widely consumed. They grow year-round from banana plants, which are herbs, and take 9-12 months from seed to banana flower. With over 1,000 different species and 50 different subgroups, bananas help create numerous delicious meals for different cultures in addition to adding some nutritional value. Let’s talk about 4 benefits of bananas below

4 Health Benefits of Bananas

  1. Rich in nutrients

Bananas are a nutritious food containing vitamin b6, fiber, potassium, magnesium, vitamin C, and manganese. A medium banana (which is considered one serving), provides up to 450mg of potassium and 28 grams of carbs, making it the best type of snack. Especially paired with a protein shake after the gym or peanut butter for a midday snack. Their fiber content will also help you feel fuller, and you will be less likely to overeat your next meal.

bananas are nutritious
Photo by Eiliv-Sonas Aceron

2. Supports digestion and alleviates stomach upset

Bananas help support your GI system by being an easily digestible food. They have been part of the BRAT diet (an acronym for Bananas, Rice, Applesauce, and Toast) which is helpful for those suffering from diarrhea and vomiting. Bananas are especially unique because they are made of resistant starch, which is a type of starch that gets broken down in the large intestine. As a result of that process, it also acts as a prebiotic to the good bacteria in the gut and prevents recurrent episodes of diarrhea. Moreover, the potassium in the banana is also helpful in replacing electrolytes lost in both extreme cases (diarrhea and vomiting)   

3. Support heart health

Bananas support heart health because they contain potassium, which is a vital electrolyte for the heart. Potassium promotes a regular and strong heartbeat, making a deficiency or surplus lethal because your heart can go into arrhythmia or cardiac arrest. Therefore, certain patient populations with a medical history of heart failure, hemodialysis, or taking diuretics need to use caution with certain foods so always discuss with your doctor if you are wanting to change your diet. Additionally, potassium can also help regulate blood pressure by eliminating extra sodium through the kidneys and by relaxing the walls of blood vessels to support lower blood pressure.

bananas are a great source of potassium
Photo by Syed Hussaini

4. May improve kidney health

Bananas support kidney health because potassium is known to help manage how the body excretes and regulates calcium and oxalate production, which are responsible for kidney stone formation. So, by drinking plenty of fluids and eating a healthy balanced diet, you can reduce the risk of developing calcium stones (which are the most common type). Although, if you have chronic kidney disease, be especially cautious about your diet. Talk to your doctor before changing or adjusting your habits because you can end up at risk for complications.

What Should You Do About It?

First, talk to your doctor. Especially if you have a certain medical history. Although not very common, banana allergies are possible due to latex-fruit syndrome. This syndrome affects approximately 30-50% of people as defined by an allergic to latex which then results in a sensitivity to plant-derived foods. These foods can be tomatoes, bananas, kiwi, peach, avocado, bell peppers, etc. Research has linked the two, but it remains unclear whether the latex allergy precedes or follows the food allergy.

banana slices and honey as a snack
Photo by Eiliv-Sonas Aceron

How To Make It SMART

SHORT- Implement bananas into your diet. You may already consume bananas so continue to do so. You can eat them for breakfast, as a snack, or cook a dish with them. Plantains are popular for savory dishes. Give that a try  

MEASURABLE- Bananas are important for overall health. If you have a stomach upset and try using a banana to alleviate your discomfort, take note of how you feel as a result  

ATTAINABLE- Is this something you want to implement consistently? Is it possible to change? Bananas are a delicious and affordable food choice to include in your diet. You can even consume them in halves in a smoothie if a whole is too much  

REASONABLE- Is it possible to implement? Can you start to include bananas? Since bananas are so easily accessible, you can find a way to include them in your meals. You don’t have to eat them daily, just whenever you need a healthy snack.  

TIMELY- Commit to including bananas in your diet. Take note of whether you enjoy them. Do they alleviate your diarrhea if you have an incident of GI upset?

Remember, choosing health is a lifelong journey and commitment, not a quick fix

As always,

Love yourself in health, one day at a time

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