An Apple a Day Will Benefit You In 4 Ways

Did You Know?

Apples are round fruit that grows varied in size, shape, diameter, color, and acidity. Thousands of varieties and types fall into specific classes for cider, cooking, or dessert. World production is estimated to be about 60 million tons where ½ is used for fresh fruit consumption, 1/5 for jelly, apple butter, and vinegar, 1/6 used for pie stock and apple sauces, and ¼ for cider. In Europe, a larger fraction of apple use is sourced for brandy, wine, and cider. The United States is the second-largest producer of approximately 200 unique apple varieties in the states like Washington, Michigan, Pennsylvania, California, New York, Idaho, Oregon, and Virginia. Apples are packed with vitamins and minerals like vitamin C and potassium and antioxidants like pectin and quercetin. Continue reading to discover 4 health benefits of consuming apples

apples are a great fiber source
Photo by Estúdio Bloom

4 Health Benefits of Apples

1. May improve Gut Health

Apples are beneficial for gut health because of pectin, a soluble fiber found in the apple skin. Moreover, pectin is especially beneficial because it has prebiotic properties. Prebiotics influence bacteria in the GI tract by increasing or altering the population, and in turn the body’s immune system and overall health. Gut microbiota plays an enormous role in many processes in the body, in the form of immunity for defense and overall balance in the form of regulating motility, producing vitamins, transforming steroids, absorbing minerals, and destroying toxins. The human GI tract has approximately 100 trillion micro-organisms that can be affected and altered based on lifestyle, diet, and drugs. As gut health has been linked to the immune system, metabolism, and neurobehavior, dysregulation of organisms plays a role in the development and progression of obesity and other chronic diseases. Studies show that overweight people have a lower diversity of microorganisms exacerbated by low fiber intake. Lower diversity has also been found in people with inflammatory bowel disorders, type 1 and 2 diabetes, and psoriatic arthritis compared to healthy people. Therefore, fiber is the key to a healthy body and should be included in your diet where possible. Apples are an excellent option to increase fiber intake because the apple skin is what contains most of the fiber. When consumed, the pectin does not get absorbed or digested in the stomach, but it passes into the colon where gut bacteria ferment and feed on it. A trait of a bacteria specific to the gut (gram-negative Bacteroides) degrades pectin and another (gram-positive Firmicutes) ferments it mainly in the large colon. It is through this process pectin also helps maintain the barrier of the intestinal wall.  

Read more on fiber here   

2. Can support Weight Loss

Apples support weight loss because of their fiber content which produces satiety. Research proves that ingestion of fiber reduces hunger and studies have supported a correlation between low fiber diets and being overweight. Research proves that consumption of dietary fiber and pectin slows gastric emptying, improves bowel function, and reduces glucose and cholesterol absorption. One study followed 345 participants who were on a calorie restriction and Researchers found that the biggest predictor of adherence to the diet was fiber intake. Those participants who ate more fiber were able to stick to their diet and therefore lose weight. Additionally, the vitamins and minerals in the apple are part of a wholesome nutrient-rich diet.

apples can support weight loss
Photo by Vera De

3. High in Antioxidants

The antioxidant benefits in apples are linked to the phytochemical compounds which protect against oxidation. Phytochemicals are plant compounds that help protect against chronic disease by inhibiting cancer cell formation and regulating the immune system and inflammation. These compounds include phenols, flavonoids, isoflavonoids, and carotenoids and each is found in different food groups. The major class of phytochemicals found in fruits and vegetables are flavonoids and apples are a significant source. For example, Quercetin is a plant flavonoid found specifically in apple peels and it is reported to have anti-inflammatory properties and regulation of immune cells.  

4. Prevent the development of Chronic Disease

Apples can prevent the development of chronic disease through their comprehensive benefits like fiber to prevent obesity, improve gut regularity and motility and prevent GI issues. Fiber is also linked to supporting healthy weight through promoting satiety and preventing overeating. Most fruits like apples are a natural sugar source and so they can be a healthy snack for anyone because they do not create a sharp spike in blood sugar. Most importantly, their flavonoids can help reduce the risk of cancer and heart disease. One study found that flavonoids helped decrease the risk for heart attack and mortality in elderly men. Another study also found a decreased risk of type 2 diabetes associated with quercetin.

eat apples to prevent the development of chronic disease
Photo by Jeremy Bezanger

What Should You Do About It?

First talk to your doctor. Especially if you take certain medications or have a medical history. For example, if you are a diabetic, you must adhere to your eating plan based on your recommended carbohydrate intake. Otherwise, consider including apples in your diet. Many varieties can be enjoyed according to your palate and preference. For example, gala, honey crisp, pink lady, fuji, granny smith, and the list goes on. You can get creative with how you eat them but beware not to include too much additional sweetener in your apple pies or pastries. It is also important to thoroughly wash your fruit before eating to prevent consuming residual pesticides, bacteria, or dirt from harvest. One study published in the Journal of Agricultural and Food Chemistry found the most effective method for cleaning apples is to first let the fruit sit in water with baking soda for up to 15 mins. The study found that baking soda degraded the surface pesticides so physical washing could complete the process.

apples are high in antioxidants
Photo by Skylar Zilka

How To Make It SMART

SHORT- Commit to including apples in your diet. Statistics reflect that apples are the number 1 most consumed fruit in the U.S.

MEASURABLE- Apples should be consumed as a part of an overall healthy lifestyle. They will not cure one ailment, but they will support health by providing fiber, antioxidants, and supporting a healthy weight

ATTAINABLE- This should be something worth implementing because health is not a destination but a journey. The biggest aspect of health is about maintenance, meaning maintaining habits and choices that will add up over time

REASONABLE- Apples are a convenient food. You can eat them raw as a snack, bake them, put them in a salad, dip them in nut butter, etc.

TIMELY- Commit to including apples into your diet to support overall health. Keep apples in your fridge or pantry and reach for them as a food option when you need a satiating snack full of nutritious benefits

As always,

Love yourself in health, one day at a time

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