3 Big Health Benefits of the Chia Seed

Did You Know?

Chia seeds are small nutritious seeds with origins in Central America dating back to 3500 B.C. They were an important aspect of the Aztec diet as medicine and food and today research supports the great nutritive properties of the seed.

Chia seeds have so much nutritional value because they are a great source of omega-3 and omega-6 fatty acids, antioxidants, and dietary fiber. Since all three of these nutrients have been studied for their health benefits, it’s no wonder that chia seeds are recommended in the diet. They might be little but continue reading to discover 3 big health benefits they possess

eat chia pudding for your health
Photo by Milada Vigerova

3 Health Benefits of Chia Seeds

  1. Prevent constipation

Since chia seeds are a source of dietary fiber, they can aid in preventing constipation. Fiber plays an important role in gut health because it increases stool volume so your stool can pass easier.

2. Very Nutritious

Chia seeds have a long history of nutritious content. One article written in the Journal of Food Science and Technology outlined the nutritional value of chia seeds and found that in 100g, there was a 20% protein content and 9 essential amino acids. Chia seeds also had 34-40g of dietary fiber which was higher than that of flaxseed and quinoa. The calcium, phosphorus, and magnesium content were significantly high than that of wheat, rice, oats, and corn. The concentration of omega- 3 and omega-6 fatty acids, which are important for heart health, were the highest compared to any other food source. Lastly, the article also outlined an antioxidant in the seeds called polyphenols, which are responsible for destroying the free radicals that cause disease through oxidative stress and inflammation in our bodies.

3. May help with weight loss

Chia seed’s effect on weight loss is a mixed conversation. Some literature proposes that since chia seeds have an impressive nutrition profile, they can aid in weight loss. The perceived weight loss benefits seem to be a consequence of the other benefits of chia seed and not a direct result of intaking the plant product. One study was able to note a slight difference between a group of participants who consumed chia seeds for 12 weeks, but the only significant conclusion was among overweight vs. obese participants within the same study group. 

easy recipe with chia seeds
Photo by Toa Heftiba

What Should You Do About It?

First, talk to your doctor, especially, if you have a medical history. Due to the high fiber content of chia seeds, some people may experience bloating and abdominal pain if they are not used to a high fiber diet.

talk to your doctor about recommendations with a high fiber diet

How To Make It SMART

SHORT- Implement chia seeds into your diet. They are very nutritious and since they don’t have much of a taste, they can be paired with anything. I like to make chia seed pudding or sprinkle them in my overnight oats for the next morning. I have even seen recipes that suggest using chia seed as an egg substitution in the baking process

MEASURABLE- Measure how you feel after eating chia seeds. They have an expansive nature when they are mixed with liquid so you may feel fuller and more satisfied after eating them

ATTAINABLE- Is this something you can implement consistently? Is it possible to change? You don’t have to eat chia seeds daily, maybe 2 times a week. The high omega-fatty acid content in chia seeds makes them a great option to consider in rotation with fish, flax seed, and other supplements. Nature has many food options that contain similar nutritional benefits so you can diversify your palate while getting similar benefits.

REASONABLE- Is it possible to implement? Can you realistically include chia seeds into your diet? As I mentioned, chia seeds can be a great alternative to traditional omega-3 sources like fish. You can keep chia seeds in your cabinet and substitute them whenever you like

TIMELY- Commit to utilizing chia seeds in your diet for 30-60 days and assess whether they affect you negatively, positively, or not at all. Some noticeable markers could be whether you have regular bowel movements, do you feel more satisfied after consuming meals with chia seeds, do you prefer chia seeds as opposed to flax seeds as an omega 3 source? Try it out and feel free to comment below

As always,

Love yourself in health, one day at a time 

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