Monthly Archive: March 2022

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Keep Drinking Your Coffee for 4 Reasons

Did You Know? Coffee comes from coffee plants grown in Africa, Latin America, Arabia, and Asia. As one of the most popular beverages in the world, commercial coffee comes from two species, Coffea Arabica...

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4 Nutritional Benefits for Pumpkin Seeds

Did You Know? Pumpkins are a vegetable that is grown in tropical and sub-tropic regions in the world. In countries like China, India, and Pakistan, pumpkin seeds are used for medicinal properties because they...

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Discover 4 Benefits of Cinnamon

Did You Know? Cinnamon is a spice derived from the dried inner bark of several species of trees in South America and the West Indies. There are four main types of cinnamon: Indonesian cinnamon,...

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Fiber up! Discover 4 reasons why

Did You Know? Fiber is a type of carbohydrate that the body cannot digest in the stomach. While most carbs are broken down into simple sugars and utilized by the body, fiber is indigestible...